Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Human nature, originally uploaded by misterthomas.

Haven't been able to post here, since blogger has been rather weird for the past few months, rendering me unable to post links nor photos.

Anywho, I've recently been busy with things beside photography, and it's been something that's bothering me, because I really did have a choice. Been finding that I lack the motivation to take out that camera. Just wondering if I would diminish the enjoyment of the moment if I whip out the camera and start snapping.

Oddly, once I take it out, I can only stop when the batteries die on me. When I chance upon a photo among the "un-useables", and I really like it ie. the one above, all that hesitation to document my life eases away.

Time to get into it.

1 comment:

Thomas Liew said...
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